Grow your company's online presence on Yahoo!

Claim your business profile with our new collaboration with The Real Yellow Pages.
Join for free and get your business discovered online by millions of potential customers.

Get started with The Real Yellow Pages

What type of business listing do you want to claim?

Make your business more discoverable in three quick steps

If you already have a listing, you'll still need to claim it on The Real Yellow Pages.
  1. 1Log in to The Real Yellow Pages
  2. 2Update your business profile
  3. 3Publish your changes, and you're all done!
Not ready yet? Check out your current listing first.

Make your business more discoverable in three quick steps

If you don't already have an account on The Real Yellow Pages, here's what to do:
  1. 1Update your business profile
  2. 2Create an account on The Real Yellow Pages
  3. 3Verify your identity