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How much to tip movers in 2024

How much should you tip movers? Here are some pointers for local and long-distance moves.

Professional movers unloading furniture from cargo truck to a house
Figuring out what to tip movers isn't as simple as it might be for, say, a waiter. (Simplylove via Getty Images)

When you hire a moving company, you get to leave the hard labor and logistics to the professionals. That can remove a ton of stress from the process, and you may want to tip your movers to show your gratitude. But how much should you tip?

In general, you'll want to aim for somewhere between 10% and 20% of the total moving cost, according to service review site Angi. However, arriving at a final figure isn't always straightforward. Here's a breakdown of what to consider when calculating your tip.

A major component of figuring out how much to tip depends on how far you're moving. Generally, local moves will be easier to calculate than long-distance ones. Not only are you working on a shorter timeline, but you're also likely dealing with the same people throughout the whole process.

For local moves, you can decide on a figure between 10% and 20% of the move cost, then split that evenly among the movers. If your movers went above and beyond, consider a higher total. If working with them was a hassle, or they damaged your belongings, it's OK to lower or forego a tip altogether (depending on the severity).

For long-distance moves, you can still rely on the 10% to 20% figure. However, remember that the people loading your belongings may not be the same ones transporting and unloading them at your destination. Do your best to determine if this is the case at the start of your move to ensure everyone involved receives a tip.

An alternative to the percentage calculation is to decide on a flat, daily, or hourly sum to tip each mover. The most common figure is around $10 per hour per mover. For a local move that takes three hours with three movers, the total tip would be $90.

If you decide to use the per-day tip method for a long-distance move, you may wish to increase the rate commensurate with the travel distance. After all, more effort is involved in traveling five hours, unloading the truck and then returning.

Another factor to consider is move difficulty. If you're moving from a fifth-floor apartment in the city to another fifth-floor apartment across town, it's a good idea to increase your tip. Conversely, if you're moving to a small house a couple blocks away you can likely get away with a lower rate.

Above all, consider the quality of services. Professional movers who take the time to properly protect your home and belongings deserve better tips. Also, ask whether the company you hire has any policies against tipping before doing so.

There are a couple of different ways to think about when to tip your movers. Tipping after they're done ensures you can evaluate their quality and professionalism before deciding on a total. Or you could tip them before they start work to incentivize handling your belongings with extra care.

Neither option is foolproof, but there is a middle ground. You could give a portion of the tip before the work starts and promise the other portion after the work is complete. This gives you the best of both worlds, allowing you to adjust the total tip depending on how satisfied you are with the work.

This gets more complicated with long-distance moves. Again, the workers loading your truck might not be the same ones transporting and unloading your belongings, depending on the distance. The simplest way to approach this is to tip each member of your moving crew as their particular job is completed.

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The preferred method is to tip each person in your moving crew individually, especially if you're tipping with cash. This ensures that your money goes directly to the workers in the amounts you intended. It's also a great way to show appreciation to individuals whose professionalism stood out.

You could give a lump sum to the supervisor or business owner to be split among the crew. This can be handy if you forget to leave a tip for the workers who packed your truck on a long-distance move and you want to ensure they receive a portion of it. The downside is that you can't verify that your tip was split evenly.

When you're paying for your move with a card or by check, you could add the tip as a line item on your final bill. This option can vary by company, so ask the person estimating your quote before the work begins. It's a good idea to make sure that your workers know they can expect a tip when you pay the final bill.

You don't have to tip your movers if you receive bad service. Movers are typically paid a good hourly wage for their labor. That's different from the restaurant industry, where waiters and waitresses are paid below minimum wage with the expectation of receiving tips.

Instead, tipping movers is a way to show gratitude for good service. If you're not satisfied with the work at the end of your move, there's no obligation to tip. Ideally, though, you'll avoid a bad experience by picking one of the best movers in your area.

Hiring a moving company is a way to significantly reduce stress. If your crew is professional, respectful and takes care of your belongings, a tip is a great way to show your appreciation.