The cheapest day to hire a moving company in 2024

There’s a lot to consider when moving, but you can save money by determining the cheapest day to hire movers.

Stack of moving boxes in a room
Stack of moving boxes in a room (Credit: Michal Balog via Unsplash)

Aside from being stressful, moving can also be an overwhelming expense. Every box, packing peanut and hired hand needs to be paid for. So, when looking to cut back on the costs, which is the cheapest day to move, and how can you know which is best for you? We have some advice to point you in the right direction.

Related: Where to get moving boxes for free

Depending on the property you want to leave or move into, you might not have much wiggle room when choosing the day you move in or out. Even if the only choice you can make is between the slightly quieter time of the middle of a workday or the convenience of the weekend, you still have some control.

Most commercial moving companies have peak operating times so if you can arrange to move during their slower times, you might be able to negotiate a discount. Corporate relocation services provider, Nelson Westerberg, typically finds Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are slower weekday options due to less demand, while Friday and the weekend are generally busier for movers.

Many people like to move Fridays because if they have to take off work (and possibly not get paid), they can work with the movers on Friday and have the whole weekend available to move in and get settled. This does forego any discount you might gain from booking your move mid-week.

Alternatively, if your family includes young children, consider any benefits to the costs and your stress levels if you’re able to make the move while they’re in daycare, school, or staying with friends or family.

Finally, choosing a weekend day to move will require you to book your moving company further out. As the weekend is the most popular time to move, you’ll need to ensure you’ve made all the arrangements as far ahead of time as possible.

Whether you move on a weekday or a weekend, both options can suffer from the universal truth of traffic. Book your moving company with enough time for them to arrive, load the trucks, and leave, so you can avoid as much congestion as possible. As Piece Of Cake Moving & Storage highlights, if you’ve agreed to pay an hourly rate, rather than a flat fee or weight-based fee, then all the time the staff and their trucks sit at red lights can add up and cause your final bill to be more than expected.

On weekdays, the optimal time for trucks to head to your new place is before the afternoon rush hour. On weekends, look ahead at your local town or city’s calendar and make sure to avoid any significant events, such as parades, concerts, or sports fixtures, that might block routes, increase congestion, or cause delays.

In general, beginning your move as early as possible in the day is best. Surprises can come from anywhere that cause slowdowns, and the sooner the movers are heading off to the next job the more time you’ll have to unpack. All of these factors can help make your moving day as cheap as possible by avoiding unnecessary issues that cause the moving company to pile on the excess charges.

Home-improvement TV show and consumer advice brand, This Old House, has been helping folks move since 1979. They report that moving rates are typically at their highest near the beginning and end of each month. The first and second days of the month, as well as the last and second to last days, are often the most expensive days to move, especially if they fall on a weekend. These days are usually when leases start and end so demand is the highest.

It’s also best to consider other seasonal factors. Spring and summer are the popular times to move due to the fair weather, and moving during holiday periods while school is out can also lead to higher fees. Moving companies often have the least demand during the fall and winter months with December and January being the cheapest times to move, according to This Old House.

All of these factors and their relevance depend on what works best for you, your family, and your particular situation. In general, the cheapest days to hire a moving company are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. It can be a good idea to negotiate with your moving company and see if their terms are flexible. It’s always wise to reduce costs wherever possible, but consider the cost related to stress and the convenience gained or lost trying to find the best deal. The best time to move is always the one that works within your schedule and helps you achieve the goals you’re setting out to accomplish as quickly and smoothly as possible.

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